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Theme UI


Gatsby plugin for adding Theme UI context

npm i theme-ui gatsby-plugin-theme-ui
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ['gatsby-plugin-theme-ui'],

In addition to providing context, this plugin will also prevent a flash of unstyled colors when using color modes.

Customizing the theme

To customize the theme used in your Gatsby site, shadow the src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js module.

// src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js
export default {
colors: {
text: '#111',
background: '#fff',

Extending a theme

To extend a Gatsby theme that uses Theme UI, import the base theme and export a new theme object.

// src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js
import baseTheme from 'gatsby-theme-blog/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui'
export default {
colors: {
text: '#111',
background: '#fff',

You can also import and use presets from @theme-ui/presets to use as a starting point.

Color Modes

To enable support for multiple color modes, add a nested modes object to theme.colors.

// src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js
export default {
colors: {
text: '#000',
background: '#fff',
modes: {
dark: {
text: '#fff',
background: '#000',


Custom MDX components that will receive styles from the theme can be included by adding a src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/components.js module.

// src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/components.js
export default {
h1: props => (
<h1 {...props}>
<a href={`#${}`}>{props.children}</a>

MIT License

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